Danah I agree everything you've said here (And said so well). There is a very simple answer to all of this, and my suggestion at first might sound simplistic, but to understand why this is the only solution has taken me at least six years from resarch beginning at first as virtual world related PhD candidate research, which I began as an already long practicing Systems Engineer in industry (Aerospace).
The solution is to make it solar powered.
The difference between working on mathematically positive energy vs mathematically negative energy is almost beyond description, but we are getting close now I think.
If I was to accuse science of having any part in the problems we are seeing, it would be to ask why no-one ever thought to mathematically sign energy?
Positive from the sun, because that adds the Joules put to use on Earth, and negative for any energy extracted from Earth, because that removes Joules put to use on Earth.
Propagate that out to all business and all domains, and all of the problems are fixed.
"Renewable Energy" then becomes nonsense, because the term confuses positive and negative energies.
Money issued on positive energy can only be done by being issued for free, since money issued as debt can only be redeemed by labor, which has to be labor of extraction in absence of any other.
As we now are in receipt of tens of gigaJoules per second in every developed country, mostly due to domestic and community solar collection, utility companies have already lost around 20% of their business of supplying power to the public since around 2005, and because no money is issued to reflect the energy being put to use by the solar community, we are seeing inflation, because money is increasingly coming to represent nothing.
It has to be issued per Joule, for the Joules being put to use by the solar community, that is the valuable product which is not being monetised.
Money issuers have to do this, to fix the value of money, there is no other way.
The scientific community coming to recognise this, and admitting its/our mistake (The techical world), of omitting the mathematical sign needed on energy, would be a huge leap forward, I think.