Credit to you for giving thought to all of the main religions, shame you kind of side-stepped identifying a particular one you think might be problematic.
Whatever the outcome, it's something that should be debated, not hidden, I think.
Personally, researching a lot the planetary energy problem we are experiencing right now, I've known for a while this is immediately existential, with some incredible, undeniable relationships to all religions, only atheism is the one where its followers can't see it, we are at around what most religions define as a critical moment, the end of days, which need not be an end to anything, but which we are going to have to learn to work systemically in unison as a species, to successfully transition.
We are being asked the biggest question we will ever be asked, and getting the answer wrong comes with penalty of extinction.
The question I find myself asking, as a once long practicing atheist myself after beginning life as a Christian, is how did religions know this moment would arise?
Knowing this helps us know why religions exist, I think.
They exist, because someone knew we would need them, for survival.
Now is not the time to be ignoring them, I think.