Creation of hydrogen using the energy of the sun reduces temperature by putting to use the energy of the sun, in the same way as all photosynthetic life does, we only need E=MC squared to see how that works. It's called creation.
Creation has the opposite effect of destruction.
Destruction is doing the opposite, taking things from the Earth and ccnverting those to anything has to result in heat that would not exist if the extraction was never done.
We get there by monetising the creation already done.
None of that involved any profit driven business, no need to consider effeciency, since efficiency in a negative process can only ever move the process to less destruction, never none, whilst efficiency acting on positive energy (Energy added to Earth) only subtracts from creation, what is left is still net creation, therefore reducing temperature, at whatever efficiency.
This is what you are not getting, whilst I just explained why efficiency means not a lot, when it comes to use of mathematically positive energy. 30% efficiency of creation is infinitely better then even 5% of destruction (What you get with a 95% efficient extracted energy process).
Add to that widespread use of hydrogen will keep all planes in the air, all vehicles on the road including ICE, remove the need for planet raping for lithium, filtrate and circulate both clean water and air, and even converts to human food (See "Solein").
Best of all, everybody gets empowered by a solar indexed UBI.
So your bravado question is actually more appropriate pitched to you than me