Craig, it isn't "an idea" that Joules of energy from energy by extraction are monetised, whilst the Joules of energy from the sun are not. This is a hard fact which can be confirmed by tracing through our human system.
My point is simply that the Joules of the sun must be monetised, to fix the energy problem.
I argue this was actually done, for a short while, when 4Tn stimulus per month was issued in US.
But people like Warren Buffet lost power, because they no longer could dictate what things had value in markets.
Oil went negative, and the evironment saw the only positive spike of recovery, in that period whilst the dollar itself went up in value.
Of course they had it stopped, and the guy who made it happen, Trump, cancelled, and we are where we are, almost in a final world war over energy.
There are many angles to look at this, as well as noticing that the way plants work is to issue nutrients, the currency between earth and plants, in response to reception of Joules from the sun on their leaves. Also notice pow cryotocurrency shows an actual physical mechanism which converts joules to valuable money.
If banks fail to issue the currency needed to save the majority of humanity before too much longer, we can be sure the humanity remaining will turn to cryptos, to do what is needed.
An angle I don't think makes much sense, is to think always in terms of markets, as if they are the cause of anything, they are an outcome, a result in which we can participate, setting our human values of everything by the collective, the market would continue to be the mechanism we should depend on, that we can even vote for things we like / dislike, given all things and even all people can be represented in Markets.
As said, we've seen how it can work, but the traditional money controllers, the whale investors trading only for profit, and the banks, controlling all things by maintaining an iron grip of all capital, had it stopped, because in the end their power is lost to people, if people have unconditional money to live, and trade with / donate to whoever or whatever they see fit.