Corinne thanks for your question, sorry delayed reply. Its a little like a battery, there are two terminals, one where we take the energy out, and the other where the sun puts it in, Earth being like a kind of battery, the sun charges it up, we discharge it. Our energy load just needs to be shifted to the other end of the battery, so instead of stealing energy from Earth, we become part of path of energy from the sun to Earth, like plants already are, cooling the Earth.
So instead of constantly converting materials ond other non heat energy sources to heat, we start to convert energy from the sun that would have been heat if neither we nor nature used it.
Notice every plant does this exact same transition in its life, when it first forms leaves. Its the plant we need to learn from, by becoming just like it, as a species.
I personally think this is inevitable, otherwise if we didn't then we have to perish just like a plant would have to, if it didn't make the switch.
If the plant failed to do this, it would have to be because it didn't start using the energy received by its leaves, converting that to nutrients, as healthy plants do.
Humanity, at this moment does not do anything like the conversion of solar energy to what we use to transport energy like nutrients - money.
So the solution becomes clear, issue money on the Joules / kWhrs coming in from the sun.
We can only do that with money issued for free, because the energy from ths sun is given for free, nothing asked in return by the sun.
Hence why I say solar indexed stimulus has to start being issued, not only to cover ongoing energy conversion, but to cover the historical energy converted since we started scaling up solar farms.
It's a lot, hundreds of billions in smaller countries, trillions in larger countries. The paid, would incentivise the switch to happen very rapidly. Given no shortages of hardware, this could be achieved in only a year or two, with all communities working on it simultaneously.
This is why I say there is only one solution, being offered by nature, we either take it or perish.