Cool you brought attention to the man, but for the entirely wrong reasons.
We only need to read a few of his papers, which are public on the internet, to realise he was deeply frustrated with society, especially if we feel a little like that ourselves.
Every time I see or hear about a good project, product, service, or idea that is killed off, maimed, or twisted by the drive for profit, I think of Tesla.
(The latest being vaccines)
We can see lately more and more people of both sexes choosing to live alone.
In my opinion, and I suspect also Tesla’s, it is because we don’t trust anyone, except maybe our blood family. The others we thought we could trust have let us down.
Imagine the disenchantment with life that Tesla must have felt when JP Morgan, his sole funder, in the interests of profit, de-funded Tesla’s biggest ever project, promising free power and internet connectivity for all people.
He must have been gutted, and I would bet he had great faith in JP up until then.
Why would he ever feel he could trust anyone again, male or female?
Most of us now know some of what he felt, I think.
As a Systems Engineer myself, equipped with tools and training Tesla never had, I can see it isn’t any individual’s fault (Apart maybe from JP Morgan, but that’s a whole other story), it is the system which is structurally flawed, enabling those least deserving of reward, to steal maximum rewards.
I have faith we are on the cusp of seeing it change very soon.