Cool you are thinking about this, thanks for posting.
There is something we have to move to, one way or another, given all circumstances and all concerns, that is that we will have to move to pretty much all money being issued for free. I can't show you why I know this for certainty in a response, all I can say is formal systems Engineering gives us the power to completely analyse the problem, to come to the only solution, which is actually fully dictated by the problem.
So issue of massive free money, solar indexed UBI, is necessary to enable everyone to not only keep living, but to be empowered, by the energy of the sun.
We will grow a while after that, since the effects of our activities from that point onwards will be the mathematical opposite of what they have been until then, creation, and temperature reduction, instead of destruction and raising of temperature.
Like that we will be acting as a collective like the collective of plants, adding value to Earth and life no matter what we do, every journey travelled in every vehicle, even flying, every house heated or cooled, every meal cooked, all of it will be celebrated rather than shamed, after the effects of it are reversed from something destructive, to something creative.
After that we will grow a little, like plants do after they form their first leaves, to the optimal population we need to deliver maximum value to the planet.
The only reason you or anyone has to doubt that, is that we never did have a creative system, it was always a con of removing energy from the Earth and presenting that as wealth, when actually it was always at greater cost to the planet than wealth created.
As long as you / we perpetuate the idea that everything has to be finite, limited, we perpetuate the limiting, and could could even do that to extinction. We are doing that to extinction as stands. None of it will reverse the damage being done, it can only ever reduce it, never reverse it, so it has only one conclusion, extinction.
It all starts to reverse the instant free money, a solar indexed UBI begins to be issued, truly reflecting the financial value of the product being created from solar.
In UK earlier this was around 470Bn, on course to become 600 Bn in the following 12 months, 800 Bn the year after, and 1Tn+ the further year after.
As long as that money is not issued, it has to devalue to nothing, because if it doesn't represent the product actually being physically created, what can it represent?
So it's only a matter if time until they give in to this ultimatum of nature, really. There is no way round, but plenty of ways to prolong it, by continuing to try to double down on consumption, and population, with all the negatives that come with that, things like war, poverty, starvation, inequality, etc, etc, besides just the planet progressively burning more and more.
How much of that can we take?