Frederick Bott
4 min readSep 22, 2022


Cool you are thinking about this, a seeming link between religion and science.
Personally I agree there is a very strong link.
As an Engineer seeing this problem coming for a while now, my inclination has been to use my experience building all kinds of systems handling energy, to trace everything we are seeing back to root cause, to try to work out the solution, to see if there even was any.
After doing the tracing, it now looks much clearer that there is a solution, it is a real physical solution, we just need to understand how it works, to see the way out.
To me the end times are interprable differently by different people.
If we don't believe in religion at all, nor science, we might be inclined to just deny anything like the end times, and carry on doing our lives as part of the current system which is physically unsustainable.
In that case, the physical change coming about will come as a massive surprise, overwhelming the minds of complete deniers. In their minds, they can envisage no future, because they haven't contemplated the possibility that the world they knew and lived by is actually ending.
For them, they might indeed experience something like a living hell, it seems to me.
For those believing only in religion, interpreting it literally word for word, as can only be done by denying science, I think, especially the christian and monotheistic religions, they too might feel the world is ending, but they have faith that some kind of better world comes next. So to them the existence of a different, much better physical world beyond the one we live in now will come as no surprise, but they might be surprised to find that it is still here on Earth.
For those believing only in science, they probably mostly can't conceive the world beyond the one we live in now, because a certain degree of faith in religion is needed, it seems to me, to recognise and pursue the correct lines of enquiry, to trace everything through to the correct root cause, and therefore work out the solution.
The solution is something driven by nature, we can't control it, or get around it, we can only influence a little when when it happens.
Since it is a much better world, the sooner it happens the better for all people no matter how rich or poor.
We still have the power to make it happen sooner, rather than later, but will have no power to delay it further, when the hard law of nature finally forces the issue, with no real consent or agreement from us.
To me it looks like the best path we can choose as individuals, is to understand that religion, as well as science, really is a thing, it exists for good reason. It was created in the form of riddles deliberately by higher intelligence which knew we would have to evolve to gain the intelligence need to interpret it pragmatically at a higher level of abstraction, to be able to make sense of it, and use it, to find the physical solution by scientific enquiry.
Understanding the reason for religion then helps us recognise and condense the physical solution itself into something that looks remarkably like a kind of religion that has to be recognised and understood by all people, a physical law of nature which has to be obeyed above all else:
"Nature is the Grand authority, her currency is energy. The sun is the only issuer and enforcer of it. We have to use it, or burn".
Using it, is like truth. If we don't use it wholly, fully committed, then we are not using it at all, it has to be in every sense, including issuing our own currencies on it, which will result in the value of all capital being relinquished.
In other words, the rich will have to give up what they currently believe (mistakenly) is their wealth,
The same thing goes for anyone currently living on a pension or other capital investment for profit. This affects libertarians, fascists, lefties, socialists, commies, righties, black white, young, old, male, female, and everyone in between alike by transcending all politics, a grand authoritarian rule which applies to all of us, and which should unite us in our resolution to serve and uphold it.
Those of us who do that, will be the ones exoeriencing the world that comes next as a kind of heaven on Earth, where real creativity actually gets rewarded, rather than greed or aggression, and bad things actually lose value, rather than gaining false value by being driven for profit.
If this physical law aligning both science and religion isn't actually what they are both really all about, I can't see what is :)



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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