Frederick Bott
3 min readOct 5, 2022


Cool you are doing some pro-solar stories Will, all good. But I believe you've missed the real secret that is being well kept about solar.

It has to do with money, and how it is issued.

All money represents energy, that is what empowers the vast majority of us, to live, when we don't have the direct means to produce our own sources of food. Your body requires a constant supply of Joules, which is supplied to you in the form of money.

When money is issued as debt, the energy it represents is by extraction, since debt can only translate to doing work, like extraction.

So money issued as debt can't represent energy which comes with no per-Joule work needed to receive it, in other words, free energy.

Only money issued for free can represent energy received for free.

It is true that creation of the infrastructure needed to receive it costs money, but this is not part of the equation in the case of solar, since there need be no labor needed for the Joules used to create that either. In other words, monetised Joules of earlier energy put to use can pay to scale up, multiply, and maintain as much as anyone might wish, it is literally limitless and free.

Right now there is a massive amount of solar energy which has been received and put to use at the rate now of tens of GigaJoules per second in every developed country, scaling up from nothing over the past twenty years or so, and still necessarily scaling up.

The only time we might say it was ever monetised, is when money was being given for free at the rate of 4tn per month in the US.

You might remember this was when oil prices went negative, the environment including fish stocks and coral took the only spike of positive recovery ever, and the dollar prices itself went up in world markets.

A number of other beneficial things happened which I won't describe here, but what it showed us, is how a free money economy could work, and it only took a small fraction of those unmonetised Joules to show us.

Those Joules remaining unmonetised, and still accumulating, could now be monetised to pay for the infrastructure to equip all communities of all people with solar power backed by hydrogen.

Thereafter the value of money could be set by varying the money issued, to maintain maximum market value.

Of course energy companies don't like the idea of this, to them it really is just an idea.

But to me, and anyone else who understands it, it is something being forced by nature. She is at check, with one move to mate.

Nature will continue to force down the value of all currency issued as debt until we / they / all of us cave in.

Educating folk on this, is what needs to be done to help it happen all the faster, cutting the amount of further damage done, it seems to me.

Thinking it won't happen is like thinking the energy carrying nutrients in a plant don't change direction from upwards, to downwards, when its newly formed leaves start to absorb the energy of the sun.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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