Frederick Bott
4 min readJul 10, 2022


Cool that you took the time and went to the effort of producing this, but it is pretty much the standard argument which misses the fundamental energy issue which goes much deeper than you have covered here, therefore you come to the wrong conclusions on the solution, which is confirmed in practice, nuclear has been tried and found not to be a solution, it comes with more problems than it solves, although a few people are made wealthy, the net result does not improve things for humanity, nor life, just further depletes the energy of Earth, which is the concept you are missing.
Energy of Earth is a conceptual Systems Engineering abstraction which takes into account Net Joules on Earth.
To understand this, it helps to see Earth as a kind of battery of Joules, which is trickle charged by the energy of the sun. The result is everything created on Earth from the energy of the sun. Nature via plants continually increases this, the Energy of Earth.
The process of extraction of energy from everything created by nature results in the reversal everything created by nature, replacing it with pollution.
We do this at a much higher rate than nature creates it, therefore it is unsustainable.
The only way to make our existence sustainable is to change our practice from extraction, to creation in the same way as nature, in other words we have to do like plants, creating exclusively from the energy of the sun.
The good news is that the rate we destruct indicates the rate we can also construct, again much higher than nature, so when we change mode from destruction to creation, we will rapidly reverse the damage did to Earth energy previously by destruction.
To change, we must change the fundamental operation of our economy, we have to move from promises to pay driving all activity, since every promise to pay is a promise to extract, this is what ties us into extraction, we have to move to the only energy source pushed to us for free, adding joules to the existing Joiules on Earth, no extraction needed, and allow this to drive all. That source is the sun.
When we understand the fundamental concept of the energy of Earth, we see clearly this is the only possible path of survival of Earth and evolution of humanity, in that humanity is at a similar stage as a tree shoot which has lived to the point it begins to shoot leaves, on energy exclusively drawn from the energy of Earth, in the infant tree the energy flow changes direction from negative to positive at the time the leaves begin to form, conducting energy to Earth thereafter.
Humanity is in the process of sprouting our human eqivalent of leaves in the form of solar farms all over Earth, so our energy use is in the process of changing from negative to positive.
The effect on economy is that we are seeing inflation start to affect the value of currency, since we do not yet reflect the solar energy product being used, the value of currency is beginning slide away from representing anything of value, since the real thing of value is the solar product being put to use, and since this dissolves all value of previously created wealth, by rapidly adding new wealth, of course money has to devalue until it correctly represents that new wealth being added.
Since the energy producing that new wealth is pushed to us for free, the only way it can be accurately and honestly represented, is for a number of Joules to be assigned to each money token, and for it to be issued for free to all people in the form of constant stimulus.
Doing this will obviously radically change the way humanity works, in many ways, probably mostly beyond our capability to fully see right now but the outcome is incredibly good, ending all problems of division and competition berween humans for ever scarcifying resources, all crime, all wars, all pollution, all pollution related disease.
Doing anything else is unsustainable, therefore has to result in the destruction of all life on Earth.
This is where we are really at, but it looks like the conventional profit and extraction driven world and of course money issuers are yet to see and understand this.
But they have to, it is inevitable, the only way to survival of our species.
We start to see technical solutions to all of the problems you mention of intermittency and storage of solar energy, when we understand the deeper reason why it is the energy of all life, the only valid energy source for life, and not continued destruction.
We notice then how hydrogen is a clean functional replacement for fossil fuels with none of the pollution in its use or production, giving us still all of the conveniences of fossil fuels, removing the need for batteries, like we never needed for things before "Renewables" the only difference is we created the fuel ourselves first from the energy pushed to us for free from the sun.
There is much that can be said about all of this, I can only scratch the surface here, but hopefully you see a glimpse of the different way we need to think, to understand the full systemic outcome.
Nuclear will fail now, if for no other reason than the rate of devaluation of currency now, until the switch, far exceeds any possibility of it holding value long enough to support the development of anything for more than a year or two.
After the switch, nuclear and all other extraction related activities become irrelevant.
Now, only distributed solar implementation continues unabated, already tens of GW in most countries, but still we see no funds issued representing the Joules of those put to use, violating the principles of Austrian economics, so still we see ever increasing inflation.
The conventional academic community might assist money issuers to understand this, or not, it seems to me.
I hope this helps in your own case.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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