Cool story, thanks for posting. It is interesting to see so many folk thinking out loud about this, we seem to be working on it as a kind of hive. You seem much better researched than most, definitely better than I am on that subject. Somewhere in the middle is the truth, but we haven't quite nailed it down yet, it seems to me.
Working on the energy problem that I've seen coming for a long time, has really opened my eyes to the spectrum of views it is possible to get now, of what to me looks like simple, even mathematically provable truth of the way nature actually works.
Nothing is stranger than the way the human mind works, but even this is explainable in terms of energy, as far as I can see.
From the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) website:
(Which itself might be interpreted by conspiracy theorists as proof of the agenda to keep the bulk of humanity subject to the whims of an elite minority!), each human requires a constant 24/7 power source of around 100 Watts. The instantaneous power demand of a human varies greatly, but if we averaged it out over time, and enough of a store is maintained, it turns out about 100 Watts per human is the constant flow needed to maintain the average over a period of time.
How we get that energy for our bodies, is via money.
If we don't have enough money, this energy is shaved, and if we have too much money then this energy is somewhat over-driven.
I am firmly of the belief that we are not unlike laptop computers or smartphones in this respect, portable devices like these have various modes of operation according the the power available to them, underclocking and ramping down "Thinking" proceses when batteries and power availability is low, to a point where those processes start to miss reality, descending into an imagined depressed reality, before stopping completely.
Hence conspiracy theories start to appear, in conditions of shaved human energy.
On the other hand we overclock and ramp up thinking processes when higher power is available. However, the human varies from the portable device in the case of too much power, the thinking processes move away from basic reality, becoming detached from the hard physics of nature, ascending to imagined reality, no longer seeing or empathising with the harsh reality still being experienced by less well-off humans, or the effects of that on environment.
The way us modern humans get the energy we need is by money.
Not enough money, or money inadequate perhaps due to inflation, results in our energy availability dropping below optimal, and us losing touch with the basic reality of nature in a depressed kind of way, we become more pessimistic of our chances of survival, and more suspicious of other folk, looking for who to blame, and perhaps even victimise, for a share of their energy that might be up for grabs if we overcome them.
I would call this undernourished, energy starved thinking state a kind of mental illness, the kind of mental illness which is used, and taken advantage of, to impose slavery on entire populations, either intentionally or unintentionally. We might call it a kind of enslaved Nazism, where those of us becoming victims of it, are largely unaware of it, but will practice inhumanities agains our fellow humans just for meagre rewards from our enslavers.
The opposite is true if we have too much, we can become complacent and uncaring of the plight of others who don't have enough, not understanding or caring which actions of ours might be affecting the ability of those others to help themselves, us even coming to enjoy the feeling of privelige, wielding the power of our privelige over others, regardless of the damage done to them by us doing what we do to them, or what happens to the environment also as a side effect.
This latter I would call another kind of mental illness, enslaver Nazism.
This is all my belief, none of it proven, unless we take the events we are seeing as a kind of proof.
What it boils down to is that humans appear to be designed to operate in something of a slaver and enslaved Nazism mode. The enslaver Nazis are only intent only on improving the quality of what their enslaved Nazi product can deliver to them.
This mode of humanity appears to have maybe been necessary whilst the only source energy available to us was from finite stores of materials and stocks on Earth, which we always transferred between us by way of trading, usually for profit, in a way that in most cases, there is a net transfer of energy away from the party with already less energy than the other in the trading partnership, resulting in ultimately the higher energy recipient enslaving the other party.
In the case of the classic Nazis of Germany, the population were enslaved by the elites leading Germany to war.
Now it turns out we have the technology to start putting to use energy which does not come from finite stocks, and which requires no labor to extract, because it is given to us for free, and we are already putting that energy to use, in preference to energy by extraction.
The trouble is, we are not monetising it.
We only know how to monetise energy by extraction.
Money as debt can only translate to energy by extraction, since promises to pay have to ultimately become promises to do the labor of extraction, whereas there is no extraction associated with gifted energy.
To monetise the latter, we have to give the money reprenting it away for free.
Of course the issuers of money know that as soon as that is done, they lose all privelige and ability to continue the system of control by the wielding of capital.
Yet this relinquisment of control by capital is what has to happen for the survival of any of us, and all of us.
Further, it has to happen soon, to eliminate inflation, for money to have any value at all, that is money representing the real thing of value coming in, that is gifted energy, and all the product created from it, including things like even direct food (See "Solein"), and hydrogen fuel which functionally replaces fossil fuels with none of the pollution, and all of it for free, after installation of an initial capability to begin receiving it.
So there is a conspiracy theory of sorts, but it is not a human conspiracy, it is a systemic conspiracy of the system itself, designed for profit alone, all algos in the system, to create profit by whatever means, at the expense of all humanity and of course the environment if necessary.
Hence why I have to write responses like this in response to your story, as well as writing my own standalone articles on the subject, which I know are hardly read by anyone, as the profit driven system does not put my articles in the feeds of anyone that might make a difference.
I took the time to respond to you, in the hope you might be someone who understands, and maybe knows who to pass it on to, that might make a difference.
Here is more information if you are interested: