Cool article, thanks for posting.
To me a factor you missed, understandably, is the temperature cost of each option.
If you do this hydrogen comes out as the clear winner by a long way, because it can be created from solar energy by electrolysis, it uniquely has a negative temperature cost. In other words it winds temperature back down.
I know temperature cost might not be a concept you are familiar with yet, it is probably new, but it should make a huge difference in understanding the difference between what is good and bad.
Also it is interesting that hydrogen even converts to food (See "Solein").
With the temperature advantage established and accepted, the other challenges you identified become just Engineering tasks.
Converting any vehicle or infrastructire including electric to run in hydrogen is an Engineering task for fuel system Engineers, and Engineering aircraft fuel tanks within wings of large commercial airliners is an Engineering task for Aerospace structural Engineers. Give them the funds, they will do it, it seems to me as a long practicing Systems Engineer myself, often in Aerospace.
Same goes for shipping, trains, and trucks, there are working examples of all of them, they are all doable by hydrogen.
On infrastructure and transportation, getting the volume of solar hydrogen needed can only be done by collecting solar the way it is distributed by the sun - geographically distributed across all communities, domestic and otherwise.
Development of that could be very quick, all it needs are the funds and a little expertise, and all would happen in parallel, maybe two years to get to a working system.
The funds could come firstly by issuing the money needed to monetise the economic product already created by domestic and community solar since it started to become significant, driving down the utilities electricity market already by between 20 and 50 percent in developed countries.
Failure to issue this actually explains inflation but conventional economists seem reluctant to admit nature could be taking such decisive control of the value of money, they tend not to be very much studied in physics or science, and don't seem much inclined to change that.
There is also a component of funding and obviously expertise that could be supplied by the big aerospace players, after they accept they need the public to produce the hydrogen they need to stay airborne.
On the structure of tanks, there seems a hole in research around that, as there are strategically throughout all aspects of hydrogen, to kneecap it, by most hydrogen funding to date being funded by fossil fuel interested parties.
It seems when we dig into it, using ChatGPT for example, there actually appears no physical or theoretical proof, that liquid hydrogen tanks at room temperature would contain much more pressure than than other routinely bottled liquid gases.
Further, the materials leakage and embrittlement factors we see and hear mentioned a lot only apply in the case of high pressure gaseous hydrogen. After the hydrogen is liquified, it looks much easier to deal with. Though I don't have huge experience in this area, it looks to me as a relative newcomer, it's reputation since the Hindenberg might have been used to scare folk from actually investigating its limits, they look heavily overestimated and rarely, if ever proven.
China seems way ahead of us already in use of hydrogen
I am writing a series of articles at the moment on what is practically needed for a typical domestic /small community installation, and it looks a little crazy, lots of losses between successive components when it could all be integrated, but doable, given the funds, and the incentivisation.
Incentivisation would be permanent issue of solar indexed stimulus.
It could all be overseen and controlled by an Ai, but it would have to be an Ai which is itself already equipped with what I call it's own money fuel tree (An off grid producer of solar hydrogen), to be fair, any other kind of algo can't have the capability.
ChatGPT fits the bill.
I hope that helps a little.