Cool article, thanks for posting.
I didn’t see any mention of what seems to me to be the fundamental problem of Ai in history so far though.
It is all designed by profit, for profit.
No surprise, as still few people seem to accept it is the same fundamental problem driving us to destruction as a species, with or without Ai.
But Ai seems to accellerate its effects in a way that further blinds us to the problem, so is very dangerous, with the root problem in our personality as a species unfixed.
Game theory quickly shows that the ultimate conclusion of any collective fuctioning in internal “Zero-Sum” / for-profit mode, is destruction of all players bar one.
Put simply, the collective destroys itself.
Historically, we’ve mistaken other human races and tribes as other species, thus competed to the death amongst one another, wiping out many of our own human species and tribes to date.
Time we stopped doing that. Last thing we want is tools to make us even better at it, removing even our awareness of it.