Compulsory Two-Factor Identification is not in our interests.

Simple logic, applied to 2FA

Frederick Bott
2 min readDec 31, 2021

I’ve noticed just recently many platforms including Google, Telegram, Facebook, Whatsapp, and Twitter now insisting on Two-Factor Identification, to access our user accoounts.

Why the sudden change, by so many seemingly competitive platforms?

Maybe some legislation was introduced recently, who knows, but interesting that it hasn’t been high enough in any media, for me to know about off-hand.

For sure I would have noticed it, because I have always had reservations about 2FA, and have deliberately avoided using it concerning my data, where I’ve had a choice.

Where others have insisted on me using it, concerning their data, I’ve never had a problem with that. They have the right to demand how we deal with their data.

But no-one has the right to dictate to us how we deal with our own data.

That said, here is the logic of why 2FA is not for us, under these circumstances;

For 2FA to be more secure than just a password, it must not be possible to override the password using the second factor.

We know that it absolutely is, because it is a simple hack, to take control of someone’s phone, then use the phone to reset passwords.

There are many ways to do it, just one is described below:

So it is absolute fallacy, that 2FA is more secure than just a password.

2FA gives two attack faces to attackers. They can now try to crack passwords, or crack phones.

Guess which is easier.

Yep, the phone.

Now on to the more sinister side of this logic.

Why, do they wish to insist on this obvious loophole into the security of our personal data?

No matter how we look at it, the reasons here are sinister.

Least sinister, but still sinister, is that they wish to have our mobile phone numbers, as that data is perfect direct marketing data, valuable to any commercial buyer of data.

More sinister is that we are at their mercy.

Taking control of our phone, is all they need to do to take advantage of us in the worst ways possible.

Do businesses take advantage of those at their mercy, sooner or later?

Big Pharma, Bullshit Jobs, Unpayable Debt, People Starving, Homeless, and under physical attack, in less fortunate places.

I dunno, you tell me.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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