Competition, for the business of cleaning up carbon, creates a market fof carbon which is a demand for it.
None of this is helping the problem, but rather, it is baking the problem deeper in. Claiming it is technology of any kind just gives technology a bad name. It might be industry, but it is never technology.
Real technologists will not claim any part of this, as we can see the way the system works.
In truth, no company, or anyone knows our individual carbon output, just like none of us knows how much historical solar energy we use.
How many millions of years did it take to make a litre of fossil fuel that we might burn driving to the shops?
So it is crazy to think up schemes of profit making business based on nonsensical estimates of energy used and carbon emitted.
We just don't know.
All we do know is that every financial transaction for profit has a hidden cost to the environment, in terms of pollution, and every agreement to fund any venture at profit ties that business into extraction, at least indirectly.
It is investors driving the new industry, they are not technologists, and what they are doing is not technology.
The only answer is to move to free green hydrogen, and free money, generated directly from sunlight.
With energy free, money has to also go free, to preserve a primary rule of Austrian Ecomics; All monies issued must be backed by produce.
If the product is free, unlimited, then only money which is freely issued can accurately represent it.
Green hydrogen from solar is absolutely free.
With that we end all value in capital, and thus all capitalism, and almost all profit.