Cliff, I hate to be the one breaking this to you, but batteries will never fly commercial sized aircraft for thousands of miles, not even close. The physical limitation of having to associate every Joule of energy with materials of any mass at all are what can't be gotten round.
This is why hydrogen has the highest power to weight ratio of any known fuel, the Joules stored in it come with least mass because it is the simplest, most fundamental element in the universe.
The fuels we've used historically to practically power all manner of aircraft actually aspire to be hydrogen, but they can't be either, the only reason we used them is that the planet gives them up for less effort than it takes to make hydrogen. In other words the Joules that need to be "spent" to obtain the Joules in fossil fuels from Earth is far less than the Joules needed to create things like hydrogen.
But when the Joules to create hydrogen come for free, like they uniquely do from the sun, nothing asked in return by the sun, hydrogen becomes a no-brainer, it stands unrivaled in its ability to store energy by nature, it's the ideal energy store bar none.
This is why the cleverer folk are quietly backing hydrogen for the longer term, including Rolls Royce, the company that made the engines for Concorde, technically the most advanced commercial aircraft ever, with the highest practical thrust to wind resistance ever achieved in a plane that flew hundreds of people for many millions of miles, all added up, at more than twice the speed of sound.
Think of planes like concorde back in the air even flying cargo, with no pollution, actually the opposite, cleaning the air whilst they cut through it. That is what is on the cards, if we can get over the obsession with all things for planet destroying, pollutive, extracted energy, which is all that can be gained by the dishonest energy con that is profit.
Everything changes when we move completely to energy received for free, putting that energy to the maximum use it can be put to, by empowering all people with it, not just the few with the most capital to extract most energy from the planet - it's a completely different way of working.
What kind of cooker would you prefer to cook with, one that cooks with clean gas like hydrogen, or a battery powered cooker?
The same instinctive answer you give to that, assuming you have plenty of experience cooking for yourself, is what should shape what you think of hydrogen vs batteries.
Batteries come with huge physical baggage per Joule, that we can't get rid of, literally, it's physically impossible.