Claiming authority over stupidity is one thing. Claiming to know about physics and nature is another.
You claim to know everything about physics, nature, and economy, if you claim something like "Solar cannot meet our needs".
That is why a dictator like you would do no end of damage, if you got into power, unless you accidentally got something right, like Trump did, when he issued 4tn stimulus per month, printed from apparently nothing.
The physical analysis reveals it wasn't for nothing, it was "Kardashev Money", that is money issued representing some of the Joules received and put to use by us in the economy since we started physically doing that.
We now put tens of GigaJoules of energy per second solar energy into use in the economies of every developed country. It scaled up from near zero in only the past twenty years or so. That is an awful lot of accumulated latent valuable product, so far only monetised for a few months, and still with the potential to scale up ten-fold, or more.
The consequence of not doing it is seen by all currencies devaluing, as the reception of solar scales up, money issued only as debt is becoming less and less representative of the actual valuable product being put to use.
Using solar on a community basis backed up by hydrogen would be a natural outcome of issuing the required stimulus, and just leaving it on, adjusting it now and then to track the solar enetgy coming in, so asbto maximise the value of the dollar in markets, mostly upwards for a while yet.