Cheeky, is gaslighting and then claiming it was just cheeky. I hoped you might spot my answer was in what I said about "Special Ingredients", Thorium is just another special ingredient. It doesn't matter if we are talking about weapons or utilities, They are all about energy release, the latter is slow yield, the former is explosive. Its all nuclear, all energy from materials created by nature, which we extract by de-creating what nature created, therefore with the same overall destructive effect on nature and life (Removal of Energy!), it further removes what nature did with the Joules of energy added to Earth, rather than accept some of those donated Joules ourselves (For free), to use for everything we create, including even fuel, which functionally replaces fossil fuel with none of the pollution in either its creation, or use, in fact it burns producing breathable oxygen. If we can't see how one is right and the other wrong, there is something very wrong with how we think, it seems to me.
My question to you still stands, do you understand the consequence of being wrong, on this topic?