Changing vocabulary to suit narrative, with no solid technical reason is something we see more and more often now. If we don't have the vocabulary then we can no longer describe it, so it leaves our consciousness.
Capitalisation simply means considering all things as capital. An hour of time, a unit of work, a piece of gold, a diamond, a kilowatt-hour, a calorie, a barrel of oil, and so on.
When we do that, we can pretend that an hour of work before it is done, is the same as an hour of work after it has been done, because of course it has the same numerical value in an account.
But in reality the value added, if / when the work is done, is critical to the time it occurs, that is when the value is added, and when any proof of work done created.
If money reflected that honestly, it could only be transferred at the time the work is done, not after, or before.
Futher, we would see that most things done at profit do not actually add value to the Earth at all, they actually work towards removing all value, and eventually all life from Earth.
Calling anything in recent history the "Great enrichment" would actually be funny, if it was not such a serious error.
But it looks like the desired qualities will appear in money, regardless of how those in favor of technical capitalism might feel.
The result is that all capital will be devalued, wheter they like it or not.
Money is coming to align with the energy of the sun, which is free, and limitless, available to all people.