Change is what will happen for sure.
That could be collapse, or it could be a transition to something new.
We can see the new, if we can understand what is driving the old.
Profit drives the old.
Everything we do, say, and think, in the current system of winners and losers is towards profit.
By each of us wishing to win individually, we are implicitly wishing others to lose without even realising it, and the losers are the majority, though they go unnoticed after they are dead.
In a species, this is suicide by cannibalism, a species feeding on itself until dead.
Unique to humans.
It would be understandable, if we were isolated on a planet with no external energy source (Nibiru, anyone ?!?), but is insane on Earth, with the energy of sunlight irradiating and even burning us, continuously, forever.
It is quite easy to model and simulate a new world, beyond the stupido mentality of profit, but as yet there seems little point, as no-one seems to wish to see it.