Can't fix the problem without fully knowing the problem.
It isn't just a climate problem, it's an energy problem, meaning all energy, the energy we metabolise, and the energy in money.
Need multisciplinary thinking to understand this, and it's needed by all people, not just just us STEM.
We need to understand that the commodofied education characteristic of STEM prevents most of us seeing the whole problem until we learn how to break through the confines of whatever single disciplines it was we specialised in. For that we need to want to breakout.
Its a pretty fiendish challenge, that might involve some backtracking and admission by science / STEM that the effort to date wasn't quite on target.
The main conflict of interest, and actually the real culprit of all the problems is profit.
Science is now mostly funded by for profit bodies, even if they proclaim to be non profit, it's almost impossible for truly non profit business to exist now, all are forced into making energy profit just to survive, all businesses, all individuals.
Convert all profit to KWhrs at market rates, add to the known heat losses of all extraction and refinement of all energy resources including food, apply to the thermal mass of the planet, and look, there we temperature rise of the orders actually measured.
Doing this we realise more energy travels by money than any other means, but worse, we are all energy slaves, the collective of us a scourge in the planet, like ants, mostly system blinded by commodification of education.
Notice this is independent of greenhouse gas effects, which actually get impossible to argue in an adiabatic atmosphere, if we really get dragged down into that, nobody can win it, because it's not the truth, it's a profit driven distraction fron the truth which is much harsher, we are all energy slaves working for an inhuman beast, an emergent property worse than any Ai, it's the evil force that might drive the worst Ai.
Without seeing this, it's difficult to understand that what we are doing by forever creating new taxes, more businesses to make yet more energy profit, will never fix the problem, just make it worse.
And look, it's impossible to make profit by the only actually sustainable energy source, the only one we don't put any value on at all, by still not monetising it, we are failing to transmit the energy needed by all people, to even just keep them alive, given all are valuable when powered by that energy, reducing entropy in that mode instead of increasing it, none can do harm, no matter what they / we do, we go from destruction to creation as a whole, united population, with that one simple physical switch.
Solar indexed stimulus is the only way to pipe the energy of the sun to all people needing it, and the planet needs this more than anything.
Fix the planet, we fix all the problems, but it probably means the end of profit.