Caitlin is simply pointing out what many of us know to be true. The folk who know this, were interested in relevant news up to the time of "Invasion". That was when such news was available and perfectly respectable to be seen to be interested in. We saw events unfold up to and including the Maidan, which was when things really took a turn for the worse.
Anyone knowing that, will never be convinced that the war was unprovoked. In fact it is plainly obvious to us Caitlin is correct.
Everyone wondered what business Bennett had in Russia, at the time Caitlin mentions.
Our Western News claimed Bennett had been summoned to Russia, as if by some order of Putin.
Really, would Benett have been such a lapdog as to come running when Putin snapped his fingers?
I don't think so.
You have been hoodwinked, it seems to me, and you are still being hoodwinked.
Believing only what our own governments care to tell us, is something we have to stop doing.
They are a bunch of greedies, interested not in what is genuinely good for the majority of their subjects, but in what is good for them. Nato is just another bunch of them. They will stoop to any level to carry on hoodwinking you, because they know if the game is ever up, then they are out of their very lucrative jobs.
If you really want to see an end to this horrilble business of war, then you should look to what drives, and has always driven all of humanity, to be selectively inhuman, the drive for profit, which is intrinsically linked with energy by extraction.
Stop using energy by extraction, and we very quickly move to a different world, one that is no longer driven by profit or capital, but by actual energy, from the only root source of it, the sun.
I explain how to do this in Medium but it is always buried by more profitable stories, such as for war.