C02 is a symptom, not the cause, this is why chasing it fixes nothing, it is like treating covid by addressing symptoms rather than stamping out the virus, it makes more profit to treat symptoms for as long as possible, rather than cure.
The cause is the systematic destruction of the planet, by the constant conversion of all things including life eventually to heat energy. We do this for profit. Debt ties us into doing more of it in the future. The opposite of what nature does, it converts energy from the sun which would otherwise be heat if it didn't use it to create everything we know including life. We've seriously removed a large part of nature which did this cooling, where we have not ourselves used it either, it has become heat. We can reverse this by creation of hydrogen from solar which functionally replaces fossil fuels, but it can't be done at profit, or using profit, which depends on energy for which work has to be expended per KWhr yielded, whereas nothing is asked by the sun for the energy it donates to us, other than maybe we use it wisely, to lower temperature by using it to create things other than heat, like nature does, otherwise we burn, as we can see.
The only solution financially is assign all debt as an energy debt to Earth, and accept that the only way to pay this back is with money created per KWhr of sun received and put to use.
I've written lots about this, it is all in my profile. Cool that finally it is starting to become taken seriously.