But whoever voted for appears to feel vindicated, their parties included, suddenly they can do no wrong, because we voted for them, we signed up for them, it's taken like an agreement to accept everything they dish out good or bad, and most of it turns out bad for us, good for them, always financially. They think we share responsibility for the things going wrong because effectively, we signed for it.
I don't believe Sturmer, Labour et al are any different. The parties have changed, metamorphosed into something different from what they used to be, they are like all business for profit, Enshittified by rejecting everyone who really had the public interest in their hearts, they can't compete with the internal dirty tactics of sales folk who just sell a pile of lies then disappear with the golden handshake.
I would love to be proved wrong, but something doesn't sit right with the tolerance of genocide going on, not in UK yet, but it could be round the corner now we are sleepwalking into war, as George Galloway warned we would, if Sturmer was voted in. I'd be much happier if Sturmer was attending to those things at the root of immigration etc, generating refugees, he should be assisting in negotiations for peace and trade relations with Iran, Russia, China etc.
As for the energy company he proposed to start, this would be a very positive move, if it's intention is to get us all to energy independence by equipping us all to generate our own energy from solar, I am never done trying to show why the money to that should be issued to monetise the economic product already created from solar, mostly domestic and community solar, and how this could be expanded, using that money to even get unlimited free hydrogen for aerospace, pouring new energy back into that most vital sector of technology, whilst actually reversing global temperature rise etc, but it's like shouting into a black hole, because it means the end of profit, which just isn't compatible with energy from the only actual source of it, the only one we can use truly sustainably.
Hey ho. So I find myself in the same frame of mind as the author of the story for completely different reasons, though I get her very valid concerns also.
Democracy just is not there. They have to prove it's there now, but so far no sign of that, and I'd hate to be signing up for yet more non-democratic treatment. I think this is a view we are seeing more of all around the world. It's a feature of where we are at, it's shortage of availability of energy to extract, we see it running out, and the weaker / (bigger egos) are lost in a delusion they will benefit by grabbing what they can before it all collapses, rather than giving it out to all needing it, in order to avert the oncoming global disaster.