Bury it, if I was concerned more about saving intellectual property which might be undermined, if it could ever be argued that the technology we thought was new, and made a lot of money by claiming ownership of, as a community, was actually ancient.
As things are, I would probably break ranks in a similar way as Graham Hancock, and Rupert Sheldrake, or other examples have done.
In a way I've already done something like that, by writing how we now no longer need electrical grids. My old Institute, formerly the institute of Electrical Engineers, who Chartered me, won't like the sound of that at all, and I am sure if I still subscribed to be a member, thus was still legally titled as Chartered, I would have come under fire from them by now. They get an awful lot of money from the utilities electricity industry. It also pays for the courses taken by an awful lot of ekectrical undergrads, as well as postgrad research.
Another posibillity is to propose it as an externally funded research project to maybe the Open University, who will supervise any ethical project that they have specialists relevant expertise to work on it, provided it is sponsored externally. Crowdfunding might be an option for funding.
On ethics, a research project to establish that alone might necessary, given the currents controversy around CRT (Critical race theory), it looks like currently anything remotely bordering on CRT is being cancelled, so it wouldn't be easy, I think.
A senior scientific figure, one who's reputation is just too big to fail, breaking ranks with it, would probably make all the difference, I think.
Hence the reason I often reply to Avi Loeb, who never responds directly, but I am sure he is thinking about it.