Brilliant essay Indi, thanks for posting.
To me, all religions have similar messages as this, and we are pretty much ignoring all of them, perverting what we understand of them to conform to our own agendas.
Obviously you are not doing that, but to learn everything we can from religions, maybe we have to know a little more about what gods actually were / are, and the reason they felt it necessary to give us the messages of religions.
I can't pretend to know that completely, but studying the energy problem now five years and counting, it looks to me like there were beings who learned everything we are learning by experience. They knew that we, their offspring of a kind, would hit these problems sooner or later, and they left us these religious messages to try to advise us how to avoid doing the same. They left these messages in a form that we would have to evolve towards understanding. We aren't quite there yet, evidently, but if we read also the unwritten messages of nature, we maybe start to understand the meaning of the messages of religions. To me it looks like they are all about energy, our understanding of it, and how we use it.
No-one is fixing anything, as long as we don't understand energy fully, even scientists seem to stuggle with the fact that the practice of profit, and empire building actually physically locks us into use of energy by extraction. Every promise to pay is a promise to extract.
I bet none of your academics in Sri Lanka are talking about that.
We certainly aren't here in UK, where to be honest, those in charge are still trying to claim that what we are experiencing (only a tiny fraction of what you are seeing in Sri Lanka), is a slight wobble which we will get over soon.
Imagine, the Bank of England just raised interest rates a tiny fraction today, as if they think this will fix things. As I write this, traffic around my town appears normal, fuel is slightly increased, energy bills are slightly increased, salary slaves are still killing themselves in multiple jobs each to earn a crust, the numbers homeless in the street are slightly up, the weather is warmer than average, but we know the shit is going to hit the fan this winter.
All the while, like I've said to you many times before, nature is screaming at us to go 100% solar before it is too late, but the reason we don't, is because the larger establishments of Empire, including central government itself, are dependent on the high energy density and profit capability of extracted energy.
Maybe you didn't see in Sri Lanka what heppened when 4Tn per month stimulus was issued in the US, but it was a glimpse of the solution in action; Kardashev Money.
Otherwise I can understand why at this moment you might not see any way out.
In theory, countries not yet plunged into chaos could take the initiative, to do everything needed, and then offer the help Sri Lanka and other struggling countries need, not in the form of loans, which just tie us all into ever more extraction, but as donations, like the energy is donated to us from the sun.
That we don't do this, is the real trajedy to me.
The illusion we should recognise is that there is no true wealth from extracted energy, there can only be relative wealth of some folk compared with others, but as long as deprivation exists, our species, and our environment is dying, and the effects of that on economy is the whole thing crumbles through inflation.
We can interpret religions to be telling us all of this also.