Brigitte, I like this article as it highlights some of the same conclusions as I've also come to independently, voluntarily studying this also now for the past five years or so at my own expense as a long practicing systems Engineer. Thanks for posting.
Further to your observation that money can be a kind of energy, my analysis also is based on the same observation, and traces now to inflation which looks to me to be driven by nature in a way that inflation can't be gotten around without the loss of value of all capital.
Money issued as debt translates to promises to do work, which in the absence of any other work, has to be the work of extracting (Energy), at least the energy needed to keep each of us alive. So money-as-debt ties us into energy by extraction (Energy which requires work per Joule obtained).
However, since we seem to have come to the end of what can be practically extracted (Further extraction is becoming hazardous to all life), we are necessarily cutting down on it.
This is whilst solar energy has been steadily increasing over the past twenty years or so, to now tens of GigaJoules per second every day in developed countries.
But solar energy is not by extraction, there is no per-Joule labor assocated with the Joules obtained.
Therefore it can't be represented by money-as-debt.
Further, the infrastructure used to collect and process solar energy can technically itself be solar Joules converted to the infrastructure, meaning that Joules arriving earlier can be used to scale up, multiply, and maintain all future infrastructure, all for free.
The only way this free energy can be represented by issue of money, so as to satisfy the Austrian ideal that money issued should be balsanced by product, is to issue the money also for free.
So none of those Joules of energy put to use over the past twenty years have been reflected by issue of money, other than money issued as stimulus in the form of gifted money, not money as debt.
As the product put to use continues to scale up, as necessary to protect the environment from further extracted energy, whilst use of extracted energy continues to scale downwards, money is increasingly becoming less representative of the thing of value, which is the energy being put to use.
We are still only at arouind 10% solar energy, but already money is sliding into inflation.
So it looks like money issuers are faced with the dilemma you identified also from a physical energy and environmental point of view.
Issue of free money mathematically removes the value of capital in the same way as reception of free energy removes the need to have stored energy in a system, so if / when money is issued as gift stimulus, the value of capital drops to zero almost instantly.
Yet this is what needs to be done to preserve any value in money at all.
We even saw this confirmed, when 4tn per month was issued in the US, equivalent to more than 10K per head for every person in the US, oil prices went negative, capital like gold languished, stocks in bankrupt companies, and the dollar itself, soared.
Everyone was trading in markets with the Robinhood app at the time, Warren Buffet quit the markets claiming "Something had gone wrong with money", and all the other traditional whales, who had been used to having the markets to themselves quit with him, and left folk to it. Some courts in the US changed the laws to allow trading in bankrupt stocks to continue, since that was the only trading still going on, and many companies including Hertz were rescued by purchase of their bankrupt shares.
What was happening was folk actually voting in markets, for the things they saw as valuable. They presumably envisioned hiring nice cars in the future, and purchasiing cruises on ships, with their free money. They obviously didn't vote for oil. None had any experience of trading for profit. Riight there we saw the only demo of actual fine grained democracy for all people in history, it seems to me. The environment including fish and coral stocks also showed a brief spike of recovery.
Isn't it strange that Trump, a man known for blowing his own trumpet at every opportunity, never talks about being the only president who presided over the only spike of environmental recover ever seen?
I suspect this is the real reason he was cancelled, he upset the applecart of control by capital. Value is needed in capital, for it to be useful to those holding it, to maintain control. If the value is lost, then they lose control.
And right now, it looks like only a matter of time until free stimulus has to be issued again.
This time we will probably quickly realise it can be turned on, and left on, and from that point onwards we are finally monetising the Joules of solar energy received from the sun in a way that all people will get the full benefits of it.
Indeed the end result will be no-one owning anything, including even the rich, but why would we have to, if everyone has unlimited free money?
It looks to me like nature is at check, with one move to mate.
The question is, will any of these idiots in charge get us all blown up in a nuclear armageddon before we get to enjoy the world finally put right?