Boom. And there we have it. The realisation that what we are doing, is unsustainable. Energy is at the root of all life, and as long as we abuse it, by not accepting it for what it is, physically quantifiable using the simple hard rules of physics, we are destroying all life, when what we need to do, is just do what all life does, create, from the single source of energy of all life. All argument is actually just a useless waste of energy. None of it ever was debateable, science should never have become politics, politics itself was just a useless waste of energy that got some people some some privelige, by them gaining some stored energy that came at the expense of the energy of all others. Maybe now we will see sense, understanding solar indexed stimulus has to happen, it's the blood flow of the new super-organism that is in process of forming, and being born, from dependence on the energy of the planet.