Frederick Bott
4 min readFeb 18, 2023


Bob, working backwards from your final comment; Trump was who decided what stimulus would be paid and to whom.

I recall many sources critical of the fact that this stimulus was trillions per month, and that most of it went to business owners rather than the public.

My own analysis of the whole physical problem of where we get energy from, as said, using nearly thirty years of very successfully applied formal Systems Engineering and modeling experience, had already revealed that money has to move, from representing capital, to representing energy. This is the only way we will physically channel the energy required by every human, fnot only all existing humans, but all future humans, from the only source of the energy, the sun, to everey human, in the same way as energy is channeled from nature to all living things.

So I was already on the lookout for signs of this happening, which is why I took particular interest when stimulus happened.

No-one could have predicted oil prices going negative, it was in a way a kind of miracle, and it was driven entirely by markets which were being traded in, by massive numbers of new traders trading with money they got for free, therfore not for profit, ordinary people, putting money towards the things they wanted to see survive, whilst allowing other things, that they did not care so much for, like oil, to flounder.

Right there we saw the only ever display of actual fine grained democracy, this was people finally given the same power as whale investors. The same whale investors quit the markets claiming "Soemething had gone wrong with money"

Yet the value of the dollar went up at the time.

It was very clear to me that this was people power demonstrated, the first time ever.

Now I've explained, with mathematical proof, how that issue of money was backed by physical product, therefore never needed to be repaid, and if repayment of it is ever demanded or expected, then those demands negate that the product was monetised, and hance we see the money is devaluing.

There are many ways to look at this physical mechanism of inflation, and actually see it is being caused by solar energy in effect being "Forsaken", for want of a better term, all angles show the same conclusion, if it is looked at objectively, without emotion or politics. it is the act of denying the value of work done by Joules of solar, which is devaluaing money, and will end with money being worth nothing, absolutely nothing, because it is energy from solar which is increasingly being put to economic use.

As said, I have published data backed evidence of this, so it is undeniable.

I've published my definition of bullshit business, it is an extension of the definition of bullshit jobs, identified by the former acedemic David Graeber.

He was an observer of human nature.

I am an observer of nature itself.

Put the two together and we see some businesses, the same businesses as employ people in the formally defined bullshit jobs identified by David Graeber.

We see that these businesses, and actually all of the businesses which cannot survive without profit, being entirely dependent on energy by extraction, as opposed to energy which comes for free.

Therefore when energy finally does become for free, accompanied by free money representing the same free energy, all of those companies cease to become relevant.

We will not need carbon nuisance processing, if no nuisance carbon is produced, for example.

We will not need much of crime enforcement, if most of crime is removed.

Effectively the criminals will be "Bribed" to no longer commit crime, however we define crime, I expect you will agree crime is what harms people. People doing harm to other people is crime, it isn't any more complicated than that, and most of it is removed, if they are no longer driven by a need to take from others, what we all need for ourselves, by force, guile, or otherwise.

Any company taking money for services not actually used, is in effect committing the crime of theft. Any government doing the same is theft. Anyone witholding money, or energy, in the presence of access to unlimited money for themselves, is commmiting a crime, just by unnecessarily enforcing scarcity. Sanctions are a crime, for gods sake. Ordinary people, the vast majority of people, know this. To me, you are part of a very vocal minority, who continue to denay all of this, everything that is actually "Good" vs everything that is actually "Evil".

Evil, is fuelled from the Energy of the Earth, dude.

Good, is fuelled from the energy of the sun.

This is what religions have been trying to tell us all along, but we were not evolved enough to see for ourselves.

Now we can see, it seems to me.

I took the time to reply comprehensively to you, because I belive you are worth it, you genuinely care, but are genuinely not yet quite seeing the whole picture.

I hope this helps.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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