Beware that almost everything written about hydrogen historically was funded by fossil fueled interests, and still is.
I was shocked to read in one of the classic academic references for hydrogen, water resulting from an inefficient electrolysis process, being described as "Pollution".
That was just the start of a journey of discovery of misinformation for me, seeing that, its an ocean of psychological warfare that has been poured on hydrogen, for as long as we've been studying it from the pov of believing only in fossil fuels.
Here are some fun positive facts about hydrogen that might change your view:
- Its the only fuel we know how to create directly from solar, electrolysis is the common method, it involves PEM membranes - inexpensive, not particularly toxic, and amount of trace elements are largely independent of the storage capacity. (Compare with about 10 KGs of Lithium required per KWHr of energy storage capacity in batteries).
- Use of it on a widespread basis including transportation would filtrate and circulate both air and clean water, drinkable with appropriate controls on fuel cell materials and construction.
- This scale of use from solar would have a cooling effect on the planet, because what we would be doing, is converting solar energy which would go to heating the planet, if we neither we nor plants used it (Notice we already removed a significant portion of plants, that used to use it), to things other than heat. Over time this would accumulate to quickly encapsulate a similar amount of energy as we'ver thrown into the atmosphere from the planet by our use of oil. Hence why efficiency in this mode is not so important. Efficiency in this case is a measure of how well we create, pushing down tempereature, rather than how badly we destroy, pushing up temperature, in the case of anything done by extracted energy. Knowing this, its a reasonable business case to surmise creating airconned greenhouses in desert places, to encourage plants to grow again in those places, those then adding to the cooling effect of using the solar energy - even if we were powering the greenhouses with inefficiently created hydrogen from solar, the fact that it was created from solar makes the net result positive, creative, not destructive like all done on negative (Extracted) energy.
- Hydrogen is the energy component in "Solein", human consumable food. By this, hydrogen is convertible not only to fuel for all machines, but also for humans, which provides a way to relieve our load from the conventional food chain, allowing it to recover.
- Hydrogen is suitable for aerospace, already tested, its the only feasible fuel capable of keeping all aerospace airborne whilst generating no pollution. It is also the highest possible energy density in liquid form of any fuel due to its simplicity of structure, its 3x the energy density of fossil fuels. Remember if it is all creted from solar, the net heat lost by all industry can never be more than the heating effect of the energy captured by the solar farms supplying it all. Given we need to monetise all this economic product created, in order to put it all to use, by issue of solar indexed stimulus, we should realise many things previously defunded or never funded due to profitability being directly related to energy availability in the environment, we should see that this new Energyism economy will quickly result in many human and planetary beneficial products never previously seen, or lost, actually coming back, or appearing for the fist time. Imagine Concorde flying not only to New York, as it used to, but also to Australia beecause hydrogen takes it 3x further, and even the toilet cleaners can afford to fly iin it, and you start to see the possibliities.
- there is a whole new plastics industry associated with hydrogen, since most of the techniques read across to hydrogen, but with a crucial difference - most of it is naturally biodegradeable, and non toxic , there are no hydrocarbons needed in it.
To me hydrogen has more "God-signs" in it than we can shake a stick at.
I hope this helps modify your view of hydrogen. Tbh, we can't do without it.