Beware of the misinformation in mainstream science also Ray. If you don't completely follow an argument, and understand it, never assume it's the truth. The profit driver is such a massive conflict of interest, it's difficult to see it clearly, it's huge. Notice science is starting to accept there is such a thing as emergent properties, which are really in charge of any large group of people, it was never individuals in charge. All we can do is start movements and stand back hoping we don't get trampled. Ego is a for-profit sales pitch we sell ourselves in order to "Get ahead" of other would-be leaders. It looks like finally leaders are starting to see this. Your movement would be making a mistake if it took the mainstream view that CO2 has anything much to do with temperature. It doesn't, it can't, the atmosphere is adiabatic which just means it's free to expand when heat energy is added, which means there is no blanket effect, at least none that changes much, by CO2 or otherwise.
The amounts of energy that need to be applied to the thermal mass of the planet in order to see temperature rise are huge, much more than we can argue might be caused by a few percent change in Earth albedo.
As explained, I come from seeing this coming as a systemic energy problem a long time ago, fossil fuels are just a large component of it, and they are responsible for poisoning much of life, but the temperature rise, which is direct measure of destruction, always physically, it's increase of entropy; this is down to our handling of energy in the form of money.
Money is energy always physically. Energy quantifies what we can do with money, therefore is the value of money, and it's important we align this with energy in an honest way, we have to stop lying about it by profit.
When profit happens, energy is transported, and it has to all propagate to energy extracted from the planet, because only the planet can satisfy the profit demand, that more energy has to be given for less put in.
The sun can't satisfy that demand, the sun gives what it gives for free, yet it's the mains source of all energy in history, so we have to use it or burn.
This last part demands we put it to use as things other than heat, for example create hydrogen with it.
A kg of hydrogen created from sunlight is 33KWhrs of heat energy removed from heating the planet, regardless of efficiency of conversion.
The thermal mass of the planet can be thought of as like the hot plate on a cooker. When we put energy into heating it, it gets hot. The more energy we add, the hotter it gets.
The energy of the sun is no different, if we take heat out of it to do things with it rather than just let it heat the planet, then we will see relative cooling of the planet - reversal of entropy, which is the purpose of all life, it's what plants do. This is indisputable physics / science, nobody can argue with that.
So for a better handle on the real reason fir the temperature rise, see it as directly related to profit.
The more profit happens, the more energy is taken from the planet and thrown to heat (this is the opposite of using solar!), and the more we will see temperature rise.
Convert all the energy of profit to KWhrs at market rates, add to the losses of extraction and refinement, apply to the thermal mass of the planet, and we get figures in the right ballpark for the changes of planetary temperature we are seeing.
That is a kind of proof.
It also explains why temperature increase and desertification were happening long before we started with fossil fuels, though the latter has accelerated it.
The truth is, fossil fuels are not the problem by themselves, the problem is profit, which availabilty of fossil fuels supercharged.
I hope this helps see a little more?