Ben to me you seem on a mission to discredit Chirstianity. In the first few stories I read of yours this didn't really come out to me, but now I think it is very clear, you seem to be on your own crusade against Christianity, by attempting to discredit the values of Jesus.
I am Christened, but not what anyone would call a devout follower, but I do recall, and value myself, most of the values we were taught by it, in Christian schools and in a Christian country as kikds, like what Christ was for and against, and this is what stands out to me to be not what you claim it is.
As a non Christian yourself, you can't know what Christian values are, unless you read them them or were taught them, not just from the Christian bible but from many sources.
Claiminig that the scriptures say Christ "Died in sheme on the Cross", for example, without saying exactly where in the scriptures, so that others can go make their own judgement, encourages the reader to think Christ was ashamed, to be dying on the Cross, when actually what was written in the scriptures makes it clear that the shame being felt, was by the people who put him on the Cross, not by Christ himself.
I can quote many examples, of this, another one that leapt out to me recently was your claim that Christ did not believe in family, that is nonsense, you only need to look at the Catholic church (I was christened protestant btw), and the Latin countries steeped in Catholic family values to see Christianity very much is in favor of family.
I don't need to consult the scriptures to know this, because I, and every other Christian I know (The vast majority of everyone I ever knew who was brought up in UK), know differently.
But you claiming it isn't as we were taught, would have to show proof, by identifying exactly where in the scriptures it says what you are saying.
As far as I can see you are completely mis-characterising Christ, whilst showing no real evidence or basis of your belief, not even references to other religions that might be opposed to Christianity.
So if you wish to seriously discredit those values, you will need to quote your sources for every statement you make, characterising Christ, or wherever it was you got the information of your claims against what he did or didn't stand for, or what really happened and didn't happen in history.
Otherwise it is all just a considerable effort of propaganda, my friend, imho.