Ben I am nowhere near as well read as you on this subject, so I find it difficult to follow your arguments, and am unsure if you understand my point.
My background is applied physics (Engineering), I've done that professionally for around thirty years, my specialism (If there is such a thing), is Systems Engineering.
To me it is apparent we seem to have disconnected physics from philosophy, which isn't very clever, and that seems to have only been possible by turning our backs on the general messages of religions.
The reason I see sun and Earth very differently is that the sun emits all energy to Earth. That makes them physically very different, and it is our misunderstanding of this which has got us into the energy pickle we find ourselves in now.
90% of the "Green" energy industry is actually bullshit industry supporting bullshit jobs (Graeber), acting as if to fix the problem but actually perpetuating it, all fueled by fossil fuels.
Behind all is our way of life by profit, which requires we divide up all knowledge, all networks, and all people so as to profit by, and sieze ownership of them, like all capital of Earth.
I think in the absence of specialised systems knowledge like mine, religion would be a reasonable stand-in, to make sure we understand the rules that should be followed.
The one I know most about (Not much!) is Christianity, having been brought up as that, but lately I've been getting into Yoruba which seems to me to have some technical merit, after recognising it contains signs of ancient long lost technology.
And besides, they have the best music and dance moves... in my opinion :)