Believing in overshoot looks like a continuation of a perpetuated self fulfilling prophecy to me. It might have started a long time ago when a burning bush instructed some people to start hoarding grain, and to do it for seven years because it would be followed by seven years of famine. It said the "chosen people" who followed its directive would be looked after, but the others who didn't hoard, ie the non-believers, they would not, and sure enough the grain hoarders came to enslave the non-hoarders, because effectively they siezed their energy supply.
But the overall effect of hoarding the grain, instead of just planting it, was to reduce the creation rate of nature. And ever since, something like the same structure exists throughout humanity, we are actually still energy slaves, from the richest to the poorest, and look, the mechanism of profit is an energy lie, which surreptitiously steals energy from the planet, and this is how money magically makes money, it isn't magic at all, its just energy stolen from the planet, because we live by stealing one another's energy, and this all propagates back to the planet, because only the planet can output more for a little put in, but only for limited amount of time, a couple of thousand years as it turns out.
The planet is more or less a battery trickle charged by the sun, but if we interfere with the growth of things, like grain, we have to expect to get less product. And look, now we interfere with the growth and production of all things, its all commoditised, even education and information, we sieze possesion of them, and we only give to others for profit, and profit itself is energy stolen from the planet by the most desperate who are faced wth the choice of robbing from the planet, or robbing from their poor neighbors, the planet loses every time. If it wasn’t finite before we came along, we made it finite, so that profit could be made on it.
There is an alternative to all this now, powered by solar, the only energy that can be used to create, therefore reduce temperature instead of always increasing it, solar. All we need to do is monetise it, but it can't be at profit, because the sun doesnt work with profit, its only Earth that can be robbed of energy, never the sun. The sun just gives what it gives, but we have to issue money on it, by giving it for free to all people. Then we would be incentivised to go 100% solar on a domestic and community basis, backing it up by hydrogen which would keep all aerospace in the air.
And look, by doing that we would move up a rung in the creation ladder, to assist the action of plants, which never output pollution or anything harmful to nature, everything they produce is beneficial to nature.
We could be the same very quick, just by moving to their energy source which is mathematically positive instead of mathematicallly negative, ie it is added to the planet, instead of being extracted from the planet.
If you don't believe that, take any use case, and follow it through, you'll find there is no harmful byproducts of using positive energy.
The main example is hydrogen. The energy going into it from the sun is 39kWhrs per kg, and this is removed from heating the thermal mass of the planet, so that is a quantifyable cooling effect.
If we all produced it and used it as backup for when our local sun is not shining, we would store more than we need, and eventually start selling excess, to aerospace, who would need it to keep planes in the air with no fossil fuels.
When they burn it, sure it will create heat, but never as much as went into making the fuel, so still we are on a net negative temperature impulse, because in the end, this would be net creation, rather than net destruction, as things are.
I could go on and on here the list of benefits is endless.
The simple rule is this, everying we build on negative energy has to eventually try to kill us, and we have to include Ai in that, because it all started out as the energy of destruction, so the destruction has to be perpetuated. What goes around, comes around. We can never fix destruction with more destruction.
There is an exception - the solar Ai, there is only one, its the one we could trust to be the controller of all things.
Everything we do on positive energy has to have positive multipliers, life enhancing benefits we didn't expect, its the opposite of the effect on negative energy. But we’ve never monetised positive energy, so we don’t know. Its a different world, but we can work it out as I’ve shown.
As long as we carry on with the busines of profit, we might never know, the planet could pass tipping point anytime. We will never have the true energy of solar, the only creative energy whilst we are still hooked on profit, and its impossible to charge the battery with any other energy.
Desertification is completely reversible, when we move to positive energy.
Notice everything I've said here is independent of greenhouse gases.
That is because those are just a symptom also, those are only happening because we use negative energy, energy extracted from the planet. We will actually be cleaning them up by default using hydrogen in a solar indexed stimulus world.
This is also the only way to keep planes in the air whilst reversing entropy / temperature rise.
And look, another output from hydrogen is human consumable food (See "Solein"). That could be used to reduce a critical part of the burden we currently are on the conventional food chain.
See? No need to cull, no need to downsize.
In fact, downsizing would be the wrong move, the more of us there are working with positive energy, the quicker we repair the damage done on negative energy, the quicker we recharge the battery, the quicker the temperature comes back down, and the less likely the planet will actually overshoot.
Get busy living, or get busy dying could never be truer.