Being opposed to the wiping out of a long oppressed population is not anti Semtism, far from it, just as being opposed to whatever atrocities were done by Hamas is not being anti Muslim. This is a stick that gets brandished when Israeli authorities get questioned for their reactions, suddenly we are anti-semitic for not supporting their actions. The answer is for the Jews and especially Israelis who actually genuinely want peace, not more slaughter and reciprocal slaughter, to call out the government, like they are calling out, bring the main figures to Justice, when they are the ones guilty of the crime. Netanyahu was already due to face charges if this war had not kicked off, it is even being argued that he deliberately let the Hamas attack happen, knowing it was coming, so he could avoid prosecution by declaring a a war state.
Failing to call out Netanyahu is the biggest mistake anyone of any faith could make, it seems to me.
It's up to you to visibly distance yourself from the criminals. If you seem to support the criminals then no surprise if you get tarred with the same brush.