Because profit is the thing unsustainable Ignatio.
When mony makes money, there has to be also gain of energy because money is always energy in markets, a number of tokens per KWhr. The energy gained had to come from somewhere, energy can't be created or destroyed, only moved around. It had to come from the planet because only the planet can yield more out than was put in. What we take out is only a small fraction of what is lost to heat, there we see the fundamental first driver of temperature rise just by E=MC squared. CO2 is a symptom of this, as is the temperature rise, and we can't get round it. This is the technical definition of destruction, the temperature rise is related to the damage done, the amount of materials or energy of Earth that were not heat (Nature created them from the energy of the sun a long time ago, this had to reduce temperature at the time)
So creation can only be done using solar, and we are starting to use solar, but stiil not monetising it, because the sun can't give more than was put in, it gives what it gives for free, we can't con it for more.
So profit is the thing that will stop, one way or another, but meantime it is the thing driving rise of temperature.
Profit is an energy con. We count what we gain vs what we put out, but we never counted what the planet loses.
We should conclude the ability to make profit depends on availability of energy to extract, as we need to put more and more in, to get less and less out, we should see the ability to make profit is decreasing, more and more business for profit is having to turn to more and more crime to maintain profit margins and compete, if they don't do it, they go under.
Availability of energy to extract peaked around the seventies and eighties, since then it has steadily declined. It can be modeled as a torque converter, as the difficulty to extract increases, more and more is lost to heat, less and less yielded, more and more energy is put in. ChatGPT even plots the curve, we just give it the specification, and it creates the equation and plots the curve.