Beats me why oil-rich desert countries like Saudi don’t seem yet to have turned towards massive solar energy installation.
They’ve had lavish wealth for many years, when all is taken into account, yet they’ve never used much of that to build in energy insurance for when oil (or the demand for it) starts to run out.
Those countries see the sun almost uninterrupted by day all year round, so are natural sites for industrial scale solar.
Some think requirements for batteries complicates things, but modern flywheel technology (That we can read about right here in Medium), can be used instead of batteries for any local overnight energy maintenance requirements.
Because we can also manufacture valuable money from solar power by powering creation of proof of work tokens like Bitcoin, a small solar power plant can be rapidly scaled to any size, by investing generated wealth back into implementing more solar infrastucture, so excess live solar power which is saleable instead of oil, would be a very wise investment for all desert countries.
Another bonus with abundant solar power in the desert is power to generate things like hydrogen, and of course water, but also for aircon in massive holiday accommodation, so tourism becomes another product which is saleable, bringing in external money.
I guess we in the West might not like that, as it could hit our oil supplies, but we could also go solar by linkingup our grid with the grids of desert regions, it would solve the problems of pretty much all countries, forever.