Be Careful This Xmas
Good Wishes
This article is for us in UK, who are about to experience something very different, and for the rest of the world to watch, and maybe to learn from.
We’ve found ourselves at the front of a global energy problem which is manifesting financially, as well as in many other ways, including things like Pakistan being flooded, and permafrosts around the world becoming places of forest fires.
It is all connected. Don’t listen to anyone who tries to say it isn’t.
Right now, how this is affecting us, is that the nurses and emergency health services in UK have reached the end of their tether.
They are just the first of an entire workforce rapidly approaching the same.
We are about to experience the first Xmas in any lifetime in UK, without those services being there when we need them.
The army covering this as suggested, with respect, are being asked to do something they were never trained for.
This isn’t a war zone, yet.
We are just a supposedly civilised country getting ready to celebrate a traditional time of year.
But we might as well be in Haiti, or some other lawless place (Due to our way of business), with no emergency health services. There will be no help for anyone who gets ill or injured in the holiday season this year, other than whatever sympathies might be from family or friends nearby, if we are even still alife.
This time of the year is normally a time of many injuries and illnesses due to the usual excesses.
After all, we are not gonna give up our right to have a good party or two, are we?
I know I am not, so I hope folk won’t take this as any kind of killjoy / Doomer message.
But thought I should say, because I am from a rough part of Scotland historically, I’ve seen some trainspotter-movie-crazy things happening each end of the year party season, and the relative safety net of NHS emergency services has always been there to sweep up the mess of broken bodies and mend us all, where possible.
This year it isn’t, and this could be how it stays for quite a while, as long as we still have a government who are doing as the chap below quite rightly, and very politely points out:
Be careful this year folks.
No-one will be around to help you if you don’t.