Avi you are right about ego.
To me it looks like your ego at work here, that you don't dare to engage directly with me in public, in case your ego gets bruised.
The claim I make, that the Earth came from the sun does not imply both are of the same materials.
The solution I've presented, of a truly survivable, unlimited ecology, of community based solar hydrogen, uses the characteristic of how easily and quickly hydrogen can, and is created from sunlight, for free.
It is free because hydrogen converts into any number of valuable things including food (see "Solein"), and drinkable water, as well as fuel for all transportation, functionally replacing fossil fuels with none of the pollution.
Any and all of those things can be exchanged for further solar hydrogen infrastructure, therefore the infrastructure itself becomes free.
What we are doing, by direct use of the energy of the sun, is our own human version of the creation done by nature.
What we are doing by that is adding to nature instead of subtracting from it.
This is the opposite of what we do by destroying materials and energies of Earth, and has the opposite effects.
Creation is additive, whilst destruction is subtractive, and this is the reason that now we are starting to create, instead of just destroying, as we did exclusively thousands of years. Our economy has to change now to reflect the new product being created in our midst, by us, using by our solar hydrogen technology.
As long as we don't do that, everything we thought was valuable, everything we "created" by actually what was technically destruction, all capital, and all money, was not creation at all, but an illusion of creation. This is what is being systematically devalued by nature, manifesting in our financial economy as inflation, which will not stop, until we issue money of the same nature as what is actually being created, for free.
So from the sun we should see logically it follows all things are and were created, even Earth itself, during an earlier phase of the sun.
Underestimating the power of the sun is the biggest crime we can commit, it seems to me, because by that we can, will, and are perishing as a species, along with all other life on Earth.