Avi to me you are still leaping over the very critical period of right now.
Orwell's book didn't have a good ending.
That bad end, is what we are facting right now, we will not even see 2084, if this problem is not sorted out.
A nuclear war is brewing, we can see it in all the doublespeak, by looking at the things not being said.
It is not being mentioned that a war between the bigger nations on either sid of East and West, would go nuclear very quick, in fact this would probably be the only thing we would see, nukes flying thick and fast in every direction. Do you hear that being said? Yet that is how we know it would go.
It is not being said that Earth would not survive the massive amount of destructive, polluting power that would be released. Imagine the power of hundreds if not thousands of years worth of nuclear powered utilities enegy being released all at once, the effect of that on an already damaged, weakened environment, it would not survive.
Do you hear that being said? Yet that is what we can easily compute would be the outcome.
What is doublespeak, exactly, now we are seeing it, practiced even by Oxfam, a charity, on its workers, they are not allowed to say "Mom" or "Dad", yet they are dealing with traumatised kids.
What is driving Oxfam to create such rules?
I will tell you - profit.
Nothing more, nothing less.
The need for the organisation to more efficiently collect monies from the public, is what drives the doublespeak of Oxfam, and actually every profit driven organisation, every news media, actually every media, and actually all people, even science, you yourself have to be careful what you say to retain funding from your funders, do you not?
We are all profit driven, by necessity, because we have to be, to try to remain solvent, to just survive in the profit driven system.
So now, everything anyone says, any agency, any organisation, any human, is technically just a continuous adevertisement, telling the truth, it can be, but only selected truths, never the whole truth, never anyhthing that might affect our ability to stay solvent.
I am able to say this because I gave up working for profit, for a while, I have drifted in and out of profitable employment in the past few years, just enough to survive, but writing furiously because I can see how this thing is working, and where it ends, if we don't fix it, the only way it can be fixed, by starting to use mathematically positive energy, that is the energy of the sun, no other, the energy that we extract from Earth is mathematically negative, we use the mechanism of profit to do the extraction, money issued as promises to pay, is a promise to extract.
Yet the Joules from the sun come with no extraction, they are completely for free, no effort or energy per Joule is required to put them to use, but no money is issued on them, only on debt.
This seems way below your radar, that effectively we are at the end times, as identified in the bibles and scriptures of most religions, we are at a crossroads, where things can go very badly, or very well.
Very badly means we stop, probably by a nuclear war.
Very welll, means we start to issue money on solar product, thus superseding profit.
It isn't small amounts.
Do you have the courage to make the latter happen?
Proof, with some numbers, is here: