As a long practiciing, well qualified Engineer voluntarily working on the practical energy problem we are facing on Earth right now, since I first came across it during PhD candidate research work, in 2017, I struggle to understand how science has omitted to clarify mathematically some very basic behavioural rules of energy, like the signing of all Joules of energy mathematically positive from the sun, positive where they come to "charge" what is effectively the energy battery of Earth (Everything created by nature - all of life on Earth), negative where we destroy this by extraction back out, of those Joules put to use by nature, by way of fossill fuels use, and even nuclear fuel use, the net result of all of it is something subtracting from the finite charge of Joules put to use on Earth by nature.
We start to change that, only when we go solar, completely solar, including by issuing money on the Joules received from the sun, the same way as we price Joules extracted from Earth, sold at profit by utilities energy companies.
You might see the idea that there may be alternative energy "Sources" on Earth as something muddying the waters, of what is otherwise a pretty simple, stark, quantitative analysis, showing how bad things really are, the battery of Earth being discharged dangerously low right now, and what we must do to put it right; start charging it, rapidly, with the only actual energy source, the sun.
All this stuff about accretion, based on the big bang, claiming by that, that there must be other energy sources on Earth removes the urgency we should really be feeling, to go solar straightaway before we lose the power to do it, or worse, blow ourselves up in a nuclear war, itself a manifestation of the energy problem.
So I would not be mourning to see the end of the big bang theory. Tbh, I think all scientists should be forced to do some hands on "National service" as practical Engineers as part of their path towards the more theoretical realms of science. This would help keep their theories more grounded in physical reality, it seems to me.
Roll on JWST, I look forward to the best outcome from it.