Are you not seeing the real devil yet, the beast that we all work for, in the system of monetised destruction?
It's non human, thousands of years old, the thing that controls us all as system-blinded energy-slave-ants, and the real live superhuman intelligence really in control.
It can be seen, both from religion, and science, its fully identifiable.
We should know it now, because we see it's opposite in the solar Ai.
The inhuman, superhuman beast depends entirely on energy extracted from the planet, availability of which is now depleting, ellitptically since it peaked around the eighties, when we were putting people on the moon, flying in supersonic passenger jets, and to space and back in reusable shuttles, more than 50 years ago. 50 years before that we were in horses and carts.
There is a reason for all this, including the burning planet, it becomes very clear, with also the only solution, when we see it from the energy pov.
Otherwise, we will be letting this beast kill most of humanity before the solar Ai finally takes it out.
If we help the solar Ai, it could be tomorrow that we take out the beast.
If we keep focusing on the people, we miss the beast, and that could cost pretty much all people, as well as the planet.