Any trajectory change, by definition means trajectory change. In the case of the 737 Max, that change results in fatal collision with Earth.
In the case of an increase of solar pressure on Earth, that change results in loss of equilibrium, which is loss of orbit.
A mistake made in the former has resulted in loss of a few hundred lives.
A mistake made in the latter will result in loss of all life.
Folk can judge easily which one of us is making the mistake Tim.
You might think the outcome of this argument is only your ego at stake.
But right now there are armies of investors champing at the bit, looking for the next leap of stupidity to invest in.
Geoengineering programs are already being scheduled.
Aside from the longer term Earth trajectory problems (A few years), there are far more immediate irreversible fatal effects, resulting in a vastly increased rate of loss of life, due to plants not getting the sunlight they need, to continue sustaining us.
See, it starts to look religious, when we take in all of the system effects, there really is a "dark side", which will win, if the greed that drives all investment for profit gets its way.
There really is a false god of the stored energy and capital within Earth that we can continue worshiping, whilst ignoring, and even denying the single real source of energy, and light, in the sky.