Anthony you have remarkable faith in human nature, seemingly without knowing all of the details of the required system, thanks for posting. My hat is off to you. I know I wouldn't have similar faith if I didn't understand the detailed solution by now, after studying it for five years, after almost sixty years of life, almost thirty of which have been as a Systems Engineer.
Now I know the solution, I maybe share the same excitement as you, that we are nearing a grand switch. Things are about to become very different, but there are two ways it can go, one incredibly good, like the one you have faith will happen, and the other very bad, which unfortunately we seem to be on the path of actually taking, as far as I can see.
The good thing is the option to make the right decision is still there. I just hope it stays long enough for the right decision to be made by the right people with the power to change things.
Indeed, exciting times :)