An easy, scientific way to remember, and confirm in one's mind, that temperature rise due to humanity has to be true, which science tends not to teach much, as yet, is to recall E=MC squared, and notice that by extracting energy from Earth, we are very busy converting M to energy. That energy, freed from materials, even if only after it has come through all chains of refinement to become the heat of steam in a nuclear powered steam turbine, or the heat coming out of a car exhaust, exists, because it is no longer tied up in materials, or even in life. Life itself is energy put to use as something other than pure temperature ("Entropy").
There are even ways to confirm this numerically.
Notice many species of life have been lost. All of them had energy tied up in them which is now released to the environment.
Every time we see a plane streaking past in the sky, a car ripping off down the road, even every firework, each one is a micro nail in the temperature rise coffin.
This is before we even begin to think about war, the most modern of which started in the first place by manufacture of weapons made by energy extracted from Earth.
In the end the weapons are destroyed to heat, along with all the lives they took.
So right now there is an orgy of temperature rise going on in Europe, threatening to go nuclear at any moment.
The vast majority of this is cumulative.
The only way heat can escape from Earth into space is by radiation.
Very little of the temperature we see has any chance of radiatiing away, because the path of least resistance for radiated heat is to be absorbed by maases at lower temperature, into conduction, thereby raising the temperature of the materials. Hence why the centre of Earth is still molten after many millions of years.
The only mode of energy use which results in the opposite of all of this, is use of solar.
By taking the radiated heat out of solar, and converting it to materials including fuels like hydrogen, and to life, nature already reduces temperature.
We can work with it by doing the same.
Hence why "Renewables" is profit driven pseudoscience, that doesn't want you to dig too deep into the thermodynamics, or even knowing much about thermodynamics, confusion for profit is often confused as science.
Only use of solar is valid, to fix the temperature problem.