An Algorithm for a Species Designed For Profit
Top Secret: Reverse & Forward Engineering (Satire)
Algo, for profit, to be inserted in Genome of a new species.
Application Scenario:
Earth has been broken free of its equilibrium around the sun, by Geo-Engineering driven by profit, increasing the reflectivity of Earth with the effect of increasing solar pressure on Earth, pushing Earth out of orbit, away from its sun. Geo-Engineering was done in response to earlier breaking the thermal equilibrium of Earth, which happened in turn due to pollution by profit driven use of energy extracted from Earth. So now we live on a beautiful dark, wandering planet, with no choice but extracted energy. We’ve turned to nuclear now as the only remaining option. It cost a lot of lives in getting to this, we had to have nuclear wars, and now we rule by iron fist, effectively all remaining humanity is enslaved in the power hierarchy, but the good thing is, for us in the 0.1% near the top at least, it is very profitable, and the folk beneath have long since lost the intelligence they once had to understand or regret their miserable lives, slaving for us. We don’t bother trying to educate them, or keep them healthy, besides, that would be dangerous, we just keep them breeding enough to maintain their labor in toxic conditions. Effectively they have become a sub-species.
We also now massively developed nuclear power, to actually propel and steer our planet. We first claimed this was necessary to attempt getting back into orbit around the sun, so it was easy to get the support needed for it by the majority of people wishing to get back to the sun, but deep down we knew, those of us intending to be in control, they were expendable as soon as we got the planet under propulsion, and the miserable weaklings were expended.
Now we are running low on fuel, we’ve burned through an awful lot of material in the last few thousand years since attaining propulsion, we’ve had to carefully choose our target.
We need a replacement planet, to carry on our dark mission, as it has become.
We’ve identified one now, it looks a lot like Earth as it was originally, with some species of life we could convert to the profit driven form we need to repeat the same actions as we carried out on Earth, so that one day they will hand the planet over to us on a plate.
So the task in hand is to program into the genes of the new species, a program, an algorithm, to ensure it will do the job of delivering the planet to us, reliably.
It sounds like a complicated system, to program something with such a complex outcome, but the beauty of it is in the simplicity of programming a few common rules, which will work in each individual systemically, in a way that even the majority of the most collectively minded of individuals will never be aware of the systemic effects until it is too late to change. And of course they will never work out that they have been programed, we have to make sure of that.
So the requirements specification for the algo is as follows:
- The individual shall begin with no memory, nor the initial intelligence to interpret records of the past correctly.
- The individual shall put personal greed before all other things, throughout their life.
- The individual shall never understand the way energy underpins everything they do, thus never work out it can be had for nothing from their sun. They must forever believe that life, and therefore the energy for their life is only attainable by hard work, therefore by extraction from their planet.
- The individual shall see all things as limited, a zero-sum game, even in the presence of free energy capable of rapidly creating capital in the form of food, fuel, convertible to/from money and credit, that they might obtain by their developing technology.
- The individual shall respond to personal energy starvation by depression which results in them automatically shutting down their own supply, and that of their dependents, to remove their unnecessary burden from those who still have adequate supplies for their own use.
- The individual shall respond to oversupply of personal energy, by going into a narcissistic, even autistic dream-like state, removing themselves from reality, not seeing or understanding the plight of anyone with not enough.
- The individual shall worship as gods, and covet all the possesions of those who have everything they wished they had themselves.
- The individual shall steal to gain more in conditions of crisis without even realising what they did.
- The individual shall murder, or participate in, or permit even mass murder in their name, to gain more or preserve what they have, without necessarily realising what they did.
- The individual must never realise they have been programed to do all of these things (Realisation, would result in the program being effectively hacked).
- The individual must be blind to us, their creators.
That about covers it, I think.
But wait, this is all achieved with one simple rule;
The individual shall be profit driven.
The outcome of all individuals working in this mode has the desired effect!
Now we know this must be in our genes, because we see all of the above at work throughout our species.
All we need to do, is create the new species from our own genes, and the job is done.
All we need to do is interbreed, with the species on the new planet, and make sure they never, ever learn this secret right here.