Amen! though I am not much religious either, I tend to cherry pick from all religions, they all seem to have something useful to contribute, it's when they turn to profit that the trouble starts. That was a cool cherry you picked imho :)
I don't know if you see it yet, but there is appearing something of a battle of forces, good and bad, and it looks to me like there is a clear mathematical relationship between these two forces, there really is good and evil of a kind, but most of us are not equipped with the right kind of education to be able to see it, even the most revered specialists, in fact seem to be most blinkered of all.
I saw a video by John Trudell, pointed to by a helpful Medium writer (I need to do a piece to congratulate her for that), he was an indigenous cultural red Indian descent chap, his video from 2010 was called "I am crazy". In it he talked a lot about energy, despite not having in depth conventional technical education on that subject (Really, who does?!?), it looks like everything he knew was mostly from spiritual indigenous knowledge, and it's very satisfying knowing we are tying it together now technically in a way that it all stacks up.
To me this subject has been neglected intentionally by commoditised education, because in the end, it cross cuts all disciplines, bringing us to questioning education itself, amongst some other unquestionable things including profit, and everything all around profit.
Education is just more energy. Give it to someone and it empowers them, or at least it should. But if you only give them part of the truth, then they can't use it to generate real value, that is value to all of humanity as a whole, as meant by Metcalfe in his network law, which is more truth. When a person is educated in a narrow specialism, they know enough to add value to their specialism, but they have next to no understanding if or how that does or doesn't fit with other specialisms, in a good or bad way. You might see this is very similar to how humans in rich places go about our lives doing our every day things without a thought of how it affects others in other parts of the world, even causing genocide in extreme cases.
Who of us wants to think we every bite of chocolate we eat destroys the lives of both planet and young innocents on the other side of the world? In fact every penny we spend and make in the for-profit system is instrumental in their impoverishment and misery. None of us wants to think this, and the commodified education system is all part of this, of course it makes energy profit too. Witholding the education, to be given out only in return for payment of money, which is again more energy, is just more business for profit - energy profit, which is what all profit is - energy.
And look since it can't be destroyed or created, it has to come from somewhere - the planet. You and I and all living things need relentless energy to metabolise, about 3KWhrs per day as it happens, all living things, both human and artificial, need energy to animate them. The planet, which is the ball of rock with all life on it, needs this too. The net flow of energy should be from sun to Earth should be greater than the energy we take from the planet, but it isn't, it's greater from Earth to heat via us, and profit is the instrument we use to do it.
How we agreed to profit in the first place is a reasonable question to ask; how did the first humans who ever got rich enough to enslave all other humans, manage to convince the greater majority to let them do it?
The fiendish irony of it is that the lesson of slavery does not seem to be learned until after we've been victims of it ouselves, and then it's too late to do anything about it, we simply do not have the energy availabilty needed to give us the power to do anything about it.
I suspect it might have had something to do with orders issued by a seemingly burning bush a long time ago, to hoard grain for seven years, because seven years of famine would follow.
Even a five year old now would quickly work out, and ask the question "Woud that not cause the famine?" The same intelligence apparently issued orders to genocide. Again that wouldn't be something a creative god would do, whatever happened to "Live and let live"?
I think you see where it goes, it leads us to the conclusion that there is a force doing its best to progressively destroy the planet, because this is what it needs to do to live itself, and it depends completely on mathematically negative energy, that is energy extracted from the planet. To do that, it needs to maintain us, at least the ever decreasing core of us, in constant energy scarcity enforcement mode. But look, the work required to do that has to increase exponentially, it's already becoming impossible, we are in the process of bursting it wide open with solar energy, the real energy of creation, the one that needs to be used to stop our planet from burning any more than it has, and begin to undo the damage done.
Anyway sorry, the more I try to communicate about this, the less there seems to be propagated, so I will quit here.
The point to note is John Trudell was right, it's scarcity of energy we are suffering from, the effects of long term depletion of energy, and what is needed is an infusion of new energy to fix it. John thought this had to come from humans, but the physics says this is impossible, we can never be energy sources ourselves, it has to come from the only actual source of energy, the sun. I show how to do that. It all starts with one big decision that needs to be taken by the elites in control of money issue.
They need to start issuing solar indexed stimulus.
Until that is done, the scarcity enforcement will continue, in fact it will accelerate, towards an unthinkable end.