All very true, thanks for posting. I think people are much more switched on to this than we might sometimes credit them for though.
To me we see both sides doing the same old same old damage.
But one does it more covertly, fooling many people for a while.
The crime is the system presented as democracy when it isn't at all, it is just another kind of monarchy, presented as democracy, as is also modern communism in the countries we see that being the system used. Money talks loudest. Anyone pointing out the problems with money as capital have no chance of getting close to doing anything about it, other than writing about in publications like Medium, and at least raising awareness of it.
Biden is no angel.
It would be interesting to see some of the questions around him and his family history around Ukraine becoming subjects of maybe your liecourt.
The war there maybe looks more like a oligarchic gangster spat over territory, if we are cheeky enough to look behind the mask, I think.
I will freely admit I prefer the chaos of Trump, to the chaos of Biden.
At least there it never went to war, probably because Trump was reacting to public opinion of his harsh truth, wheareas with the left, we are responding to a pack of lies, told by nice smiling trustworthy faces.
Biden boasted he was going to blow up the pipelines supplying oil to Europe from Russia. But so far he hasn't admitted actually doing it.
Trump would have been boasting about it all along, and proud of it now, if had even still gone ahead after he'd also voiced his intention to corner the oil market of Europe.
Of course the pipileine is indeed blown uo, and fracked oil sales to Europe are are back on the cards for the US.
Also the genuine reactive chaos of Trump is much more disruptive to the established system than the planned chaos of Biden, it seems to me.
It still doesn't occur to many that Trump was the only president ever to preside over an actual spike improvement in the environment, in terms of fish and coral stocks, proving that recovery is actually possible.
A lot of the circumstances around that have been hushed up, even by Trump himself. Why doesn't he boast about that?