All interesting stuff, thanks for posting. But personally I feel like it misses the point a little.
If you found proof that the big bang was all wrong, would you publicise it, knowing the likely hostility you would face from colleagues?
What if that proof was in the form of the single solution for humanity to move forward, the solution to the energy problem on Earth, to stop all pollution, all dependence on energy extracted on Earth, so also all wars, but the consequence was all capital devaluing, being replaced by effectively unlimited funds for all people?
If you knew such a solution exists, but wasn't simple, so requires most folk to be educated on it, to understand it, and therefore to act on it, would you talk about it, rather than talking about theoretically "Resetting" Earth?
You are someone with influence. If you talked about the solution, you might save the Earth, but would probably risk losing your immediate job, because the solution seems to upset funders of all description. Would that discourage you?
The first known instant of a funder defunding the solution was about 120 years ago, when JP Morgan removed funding from Nilkola Tesla, putting and end to the grand project of Tesla.
The solution is solar power, but fully understanding it, and thus fully valuing it, requires that we understand the effects on economy.
Can you imagine how different the world would look now, if Tesla had managed to deliver his system of solar sourced free power combined with internet like connectivity for all people?
His funding was removed, when he informed Morgan that the power had to be free, no point in metering it.
We don't see much of that conversation published, but the details would probably have been Tesla saying something like the energy from the sun is delivered for free, no extraction needed. Therefore money representing it has to be for free. And if everyone has free money, what would be the point of charging for energy?
We probably wouldn't even have developed nuclear power, if Tesla had succeeded, because we would never have needed it, except maybe for spacecraft which by now would probably be flying to the stars, maybe even with Tesla, Morgan, and a stack of other Geniuses from all over the planet on them too, who actually didn't get to live long in war zones.
Free money from the free energy of the sun is something we need to be talking about again. Not just those in charge, but all of us, it belongs to all of us. The future belongs to all of us.
Flying to the moon right now is a distraction.
We should be talking about the power of free energy, and free money, and how important it is that we implement it with no further delay.
Besides, issuing the money reflecting the free energy already being received and put to use is the only antidote to the inflation we are seeing.
That same inflation will remove all chances of further big projects like moon missions, and even just nuclear power stations, it will not stop until this is put right.