Frederick Bott
2 min readNov 21, 2022


All good effort, but to me it is fundamentally flawed thus misdirected, by being entirely from the point of view of energy utility / grid supply side of things, which is understandable, if you work for, or have ambitions of working for that industry.
In reality, the proportion of energy now produced and consumed by domestic and community solar is not metered, or taken into account in any way, despite comprising the bulk of installed solar, except by the inflation of currency, yet most folk don't even realise this is the real physical reason for inflation, because money is becoming increasingly less representative of the most valuable product known, that is product created per Joule of solar received, steadily scaling up, relentlessly driven by nature.
Hence why you / we might think it is negligible, when the opposite is true, it is the extracted energy sources which have to become the thing negatively valued, again, this time forever.
Solar is the only positive form of energy, if we recognise that the mathematical sign of adding Joules to Earth is positive, whereas anything subtracting Joules from Earth is negative (everything except solar).
Futher solar is the only source which has no labor of extraction associated per Joule, therefore no generation of pollution per Joule, therefore can't be monetised by issue of money as debt, because promises to pay can only be redeemed by doing the labor of extraction in a world where all other labor has been eliminated.
So not a single Joule of solar to date has been monetised, ever, officially, in any country, even those who admit their grids are grossly incapable of supporting their entire complement of solar, like Vietnam.
To reflect solar accurately, money has to be isssued for free to all people.
Until then, we will see inflation continue to spiral out of control in every country.
After all, not isssuing money in response to the joules being received by the leaves of humanity, is no different from a plant that somehow managed to resist issuing nutrients within it, in respose to the Joules landing on its leaves.
What would be the point, or the function of the plant, if it didn't learn at least to do that?
What is the point or function of humanity, that can't learn to do the same as the plant?



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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